Excel Batch Upload

The Excel Batch Upload option in the AV SIP Generator automates the creation of multiple Submission Information Packages (SIP) up to and including Stage 5.

Excel Spreadsheet

The data used to create the SIPs is taken from the template Excel spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet headings indicate the required data and the stages it is used to populate.

1. SAMI Search 2. Select Source Files   4. Physical Structure 5. Process Metadata         Options  
Shelfmark Filename / Grouping Directory Item Type Date Reference SIP Speed Equalisation Standard Noise Reduction Duplicate pSIP File Naming Schema

1.1. Shelfmark

The item’s Shelfmark as it appears on the physical item and the Tracking Database. For example:

  • C433/81
  • C797/01/05

Grouped items should match the SAMI record. For example:

  • C1186/314-C1186/315
  • C604/63; C604/588; C604/587

2. Select Source files

2.1. Filename / Grouping

If the audio files are created from a single Shelfmark and use the current file naming schema, this row can be left BLANK and the files will automatically be picked-up for processing.

However, if the Shelfmark is a grouped item or does not use the current file naming schema, then the files need to be listed this column, in the order they intend to be added to Stage 4 Physical Structure.

2.2. Directory

Enter the location of the directory the files are stored. This is limited to the select repositories allowed by the AV SIP Generator, these are listed in the spreadsheet as dropdowns in the spreadsheet row.

The full network address is required - \\server\drive\directory

4. Physical Structure

4.1. Item Type

Set the type of carrier the audio files were transferred from.

  • Cylinder
  • Disc
  • Sheet
  • Solid State
  • Tape

For the Item Types definitions see Physical Item Types

5. Process Metadata

5.1. Date

Manually enter the date the item(s) were transferred or use the dropdown to extract the information from the file’s metadata.

5.2. Reference SIP

Enter the ID of the SIP the Process Metadata will be copied from.

For information on how to find a SIP ID, see How to get a SIP ID

5.3. Speed

Select a replay speed from the dropdown list, leave BLANK if it matches the speed in the reference SIP’s Process Metadata.

5.4. Equalisation Standard

Select the Equalisation Standard used on the replay device, leave BLANK if it matches the equlaisation in the reference SIP’s Process Metadata.

5.5. Noise Reduction

Select the type of Noise Reduction used on the replay device, leave BLANK if it matches the data in the reference SIP’s Process Metadata.


Duplicate pSIP

Select YES from the dropdown if a SIP already exists under the same Shelmark.

File Naming Schema

Select FALSE if the filenames do not conform to the current schema. If set to FALSE, only basic illegal character checks are made on the filenames and all files are assigned to a single Node and Side in the Physical Structure. The files also need to be listed in the Filename / Grouping row (see 2.1.).


1. New Excel Batch Upload

Log in to the AV SIP Generator.

From the Create New menu on the main page, click the New Excel Batch Upload » button.

From the Create New Batch from Excel page, click Choose File under the Select Your Excel file heading.

Navigate to your Excel Batch spreadsheet. The batch will then be added to the Batch Preprocessing queue.

Preprocessing validation checks for each row of the batch will begin, click the View button to see their progress.

If the preprocessing completes with no errors the queued batch will turn green and Status set to Valid.

If any of the rows fail, the batch will change red and the Status set to Failed. Click the View button to see the listed Error(s) for each row.

After the batch validates successfully, a Make SIPs button will appear in the Continue column. Click this to submit the batch and build the SIPs.

2. My Excel Batch Uploads

To view the progress of the batch, click the View My Batch Uploads » button from the Create New menu on the home page.

This will navigate to the SIP Batches - Excel page where you can view the progress of your batch.

The Status column will list the overall progress of the batch:

  • Awaiting: batch is queued for processing
  • In progress: SIPs are in the process of being built
  • Valid: All SIPs have successfully completed up to and including Stage 5

To see the Status of the individual SIPs in the batch, click the View » button. On the SIP Batch page you will see each SIP in the batch listed and a traffic light system, indicating the current status of each step.

A SIP is complete when the Status indicates Processed.

The 5 Steps of the SIP can be accessed and amended by clicking on the individual step buttons or picked-up from Stage 5 using the Resume » button.